Escape to Dhikr-tory

The diary of a Londoner uprooting to a smallholding in Somerset to give the organic, green, and simple life a go.....

Monday, August 07, 2006


What is this blog all about? Well, I am doing what many people would like to do and that is move to the country, go green, go organic and get back to the simple life. My family have now been here in Somerset for about 2 months now. We moved from South London with a little boy and another (dont know the sex yet) on the way. Why did we move? London was getting too much for us. Bad vibes, generally materialist attitude to life and we never did much except watch tv! This move has been about making a change and doing all the things we said we would love to do one day.
Why the blog? It does 2 things. 1) Allow me to capture my thoughts and create a diary to look back on in the future and 2) give people an insight into such a move. What are the pitfalls, highs, lows, etc?
What are my aims? Ultimatley this is about a lifestyle change. We wanted to live a greener life (everything from energy conservation to recycling more efficiently). On top of that we also wanted to address the food we were eating. We are Muslims which means we only eat meat that has been ritually slaughtered; most of the meat sold in the shops and butchers is rubbish. Since moving here and seeing and speaking to people about the meat industry you hear real horror stories about the conditions animals and brought up in and what they are fed. So, my aim is to now breed, feed and slaughter all our meat by myself. Good, happy, clean, organic and fresh meat. As to vegetables - I am aiming to reduce our dependence on Tescos by about 50%. There simply is not enough time in the day to go full out. Living in the country also gives you access to lots of other people that grow their own which means you can pretty much buy everything locally rather than using the superstores.

Wish me luck!


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