Escape to Dhikr-tory

The diary of a Londoner uprooting to a smallholding in Somerset to give the organic, green, and simple life a go.....

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Berries galore!

Took the boy for a walk around the perimeter of our field. In between stopping him falling down ditches, getting stung on nettles and babbling on about "vejbles" (his new word for vegetables) we managed to get a bowl of berries.

We also picked a few cooking apples off one of the trees we have so the Mrs will be making us a nice apple and berry pie tomorrow for dessert.

I finally managed to move the chickens (the one I'm going to eat) this evening to a new bit of pasture where they can roam a bit more freely. One of them, I think, is ready for cooking now. He seemed quote plump so I guess he may have to go first. On top of that he has learnt to cock-a-doodle-do pretty well now which can be quite annoying at the crack of dawn. They didn't venture out of their hut this evening so it will be good to see them out tomorrow morning with all that room.

So you'll be seeing more blood and guts here again soon as chicken number one gets it!


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